Trial Abbey Road Studio 3 for an extended 90 days demo period


With Abbey Road temporarily closed for the first time in its history due to COVID-19, and with most of us on lockdown, Waves are extending their trial period for the Abbey Road Studio 3 plugin.

As the current climate shows no sign of abating, Waves, along with several other software companies, are stepping up to make it easier for producers in studio lockdown to get creative.


The software company, who recently released the popular Multimod, are extending their demo period to 90 days; a full three months to trial it. We covered the Abbey Road Studio 3 plugin last summer when we visited the world famous studio to hear the real experience and A/B it against Waves impressive recreation of the monitoring experience. Read our full review here.

Waves are currently celebrating 25 years of plugin development and remain committed to ensuring that Waves legacy plugins remain compatible. After a quarter of a century, with their fingerprints on countless records, some of the latest releases including the distortion modules, Bezerk, Screamer and MDMX Fuzz, have been well received alongside their new subscription plan.


Nx Virtual Mix Room

In addition to the Abbey Road Studio 3 trial, Waves are offering 90 days on the Nx Virtual Mix Room over Headphones. Whereas Abbey Road Studio 3 creates, yes you guessed it, Abbey Road Studio 3, the Nx Virtual Mix Room provides an high end studio inside your headphones giving you the insight to make great mixes, anytime, anywhere. With the current inability to travel outside our homes, this is a great opportunity to try both of these and see how they can help your final mixes and masters.

Using the power of technology, you don’t need to have Abbey Road budget in order to get as close as possible to the real thing. For those seeking authentically recreated monitoring experiences, Abbey Road Studio 3 and Nx Virtual Mix room deliver.

Trial for 90 days

To install the plugins, and trial for free for the next 90 days, visit Waves:

  • Abbey Road Studio 3 demo
  • Nx Virtual Mix Room
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