Rene Wise

Rene Wise

He’s a techno producer whose releases pick up DJ support from DJs like DVS1 and Rødhåd. We asked Rene Wise to introduce himself…

Who are you?

My name’s Andrew Shobeiri, I’m 23 years old and I make techno and DJ under the name of ‘Rene Wise’.

Where are you from?

I’m from the sunny seaside town that is Brighton, UK.

What do you sound like?

 A lot of people tell me that my sound is like techno from the jungle. I’d like to think that this is quite an accurate description, I’m all about those jungle rhythms.

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Why should we listen to you?

If you’re into groove and rhythm and you love to dance, then I think you’d be into my music. I like to think that my sound is real body music: nothing makes me happier than seeing people lose themselves on the dancefloor to my music 

What have you released so far? What else have you got coming out in the near future?

The most notable releases that I’m still extremely proud of are my ‘Hinder’ EP on Mark Broom’s  Beard Man, my ‘Loud Colours’ EP on Luke Slater’s Mote-Evolver & the more recent ‘Split 2.0’ EP with Deano on Knowledge Imprint. On May 5th I have ‘Liquid Shards’ a split EP with Dutch producer, Deniro, dropping on Reclaim Your City. Later in the year, I’ll be releasing a couple of solo EPs on Dustin Zahn’s ‘Enemy Records’ and a collaborative EP with Rødhåd that’s coming out in November. I’m super excited about these releases, I really think that they’re my best productions yet and to be working with names such as Rødhåd and Dustin is of course, incredible.

Which of your tracks sums you up? Why?

This is a tough question as there are a few that I would love to talk about but I’d have to go with  ‘Spirit Molecule [MOTE054]’ Personally, I think this is the best track I’ve made up to date, it captures the ‘Rene Wise’ groove and energy that I want to express and makes me think of dark, hypnotic, jungle-like rhythms.

How did you get into DJing/producing to begin with?

I began delving into production when I was 13 years old. I was heavily into Dubstep and UK underground music at the time and I became more and more fascinated with how electronic music was created. My DJing started about a year after production so they both began at a similar time, around ten years ago.

What are three things on your studio shopping list?

A mighty Dave Smith polyphonic synth, some new studio monitors (most likely Adam’s) and some new FX units.

What or who is your biggest influence and why?

My Dad played a huge role in forming my passion for music, he was a professional drummer back in the day so I naturally fell into learning how to drum too, this absolutely shaped my love for rhythm and groove. Techno and underground subculture have also played a huge part in shaping my adolescence, I’ve been obsessed with the music and culture since I discovered it and now my life is totally immersed in this passion day in and day out. My musical heroes as ‘Rene Wise’ would be Ben Klock, Luke Slater and DVS1 they’ve had a tremendous influence on me and the sounds that I love over the years.

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Who or what have you sacrificed for your art?

I don’t feel like I’ve sacrificed much, to be honest. Perhaps socially with the time I spend locked away in the studio and maybe in the way of studying something that society believes could lead to better career security but I think that life is too short to not pursue what you love or at least give it a go! Everything up to this point has felt natural for me and I don’t regret anything I’ve potentially sacrificed for my passion.

What’s been your favourite place to play so far? 

There are so many gigs I’d love to mention but we would be here for a while so as cliché as it might be, I’d have to say the two sets I have played at Berghain. The first time I played there was the first time I had stepped into the club, I was of course in awe and whenever I return it’s a place that always fills me with inspiration.

Where can we hear your music?

On pretty much every major streaming site and digital retailer online there may be a few record shops that could have previous releases in stock too.

What one song would feature on the soundtrack to your life?

This is a hard one but my favourite piece of music that always puts me in a good mental space is ‘Halcyon On and On’, the classic from Orbital.

What motivates you?

Becoming a better artist by making music I feel content and proud of and growing as a person from past experiences – and feeling excited for the future and what’s in store.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.

I have quite an interesting origin, a Scottish Mum and an Iranian dad.

Complete this sentence: At heart I’m just a …


What’s the best bit of advice you’ve received?

When I was in college a teacher told me “Don’t do something purely to please others, make music for yourself first and foremost, otherwise, you’ll never be fully fulfilled”. He couldn’t be more right and this is something I will always live by.

Where will you be in five years’ time?

Right now with the current situation that’s quite a difficult one to answer, the world feels quite unpredictable right now but let’s hope things will go back to even better than “normal” once this is all over and I’ll be back to making people move on the dancefloor as well as creating music that I love.

Follow Rene Wise on Twitter and Facebook.

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